Category: Aging


lifevest-smThere are no voices in my head at the moment … Bear and Lily and Eunice and all my other characters seem to be taking a vacation.

My innards appear to be shifting around like tectonic plates and I am trying to listen. So what’s going on? Damned if I know. But here are three suspects:

1. It’s hard to feel like a stranger in your own skin and in your own land at the same time. American politics have taken a terrible toll on so many of us.

2. I have had an eye issue that is working itself out but that has resulted in hazy vision for a month or so. This makes it annoyingly difficult to look at a computer, to read, to write. Humbug.

3. I spent the month of April in a situation that was mentally exhausting. It involved hours of hospital rooms and tension and grief. The story has a happy ending but I think I am grappling with the events along the way.

While I’m chewing on my own cud or stewing in my own juice or whatever other event the day holds, I am going to take a break from blogging. I’ll be back in a little while. Don’t worry … I’ll be wearing my life vest because you just never know.

If you see Bear tell him two can play this silence game. I’ll speak up for him but only if he’ll speak out to me.


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At long last, I have published Fun House Chronicles in paperback. Here are the top five reasons why:FHC new cover mid

  • To see just what a techno-butt I can be when working with formats that are a simple challenge for the rest of the world.
  • I have a strong emotional connection to the subject matter. You can read the facts of long term care elsewhere … my mission was to explore the emotions of it. We’ll all face it for ourselves or a loved one.
  • Because Bear, Lily, Eunice, Charlie, Jessica and Sylvia demanded it. Never doubt that a writer goes through life with characters yapping in her head.
  • To design the interior type on crisp white pages and decide on a slick gloss cover finish and choose for myself what the cover should be. The paperback smells good and feels right in your hands. And it doesn’t need a plug.
  • And, most important, because many good souls have asked for it.

Fun House Chronicles is now available on here along with its ebook sister. FYI, I chose a price based on a deeply researched and highly sound dynamic: at $13.95 for the paperback (still $2.95 as an ebook), my royalty will be about enough for a good cuppa joe. Which is payment enough to write the next book.

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I came across this the other day, written by the Mister in a nursing home many years ago. He died seven years ago come this March. My life has gone on and blossomed in ways I never thought it would. But I miss his sense of the absurd. I miss him.

Welcome to the House of Nobody Here,Roger b&w

Where everyone once was somebody dear.


Come down the hallway that leads to no place;

Inside every room, see yesterday’s face.


Meet soldiers who have no wars to fight.

Judges who don’t know wrong from right.


Grandmothers unaware they ever gave birth.

Accountants unable to calculate worth.


Teachers who’ve forgotten their ABCs.

Psychologists suffering mental disease.


This is the House for holding onto the past.

And questioning how it went by so fast.


Spend some time learning how the House feels.

Pull up a chair, they mostly have wheels.


Welcome to the House of Nobody Here

Where nobody has anything left to fear.

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cute socksIt’s something that happens to you with age, like fallen arches or colonoscopies. You no longer seek anyone else’s approval in what you wear. Fuck Fashion becomes your motto. Maybe it’s getting back in touch with your inner child who is a damn sight more fun than you’ve been for decades.

For me, the big change has been most visible in my socks. It began when things like nylons and garters and high heels went by the wayside. Peeping out from my pant legs now is a menagerie of animals or swirls or stripes, many adorned with metallic threads or puff balls. I actually have three pairs of socks with chili peppers, each in a different hue.

North of my feet, I still manage to be somewhat in control. Even I know a woman who wears Size Big Butt Baby shouldn’t prance around in the yellow spandex capris and explosions of sparkles across my chest. But oh, the socks.That’s just a shitload of adorable happening down there.


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